On may 15th and 16th, a hilarious, once-in-a lifetime event hosted by Paul Rodriguez introduced some of his favorite fellow comedians. Paul has often been referred to as the “Richard Pryor and George Carlin of original comedy” within the Hispanic community. He has starred in over 30 films, countless television series and has performed live to well over one million concert goers from coast to coast.
Although Paul loves playing in New Mexico where he has established a solid fan base, this marked his first appearance at the historic Lensic Theater.
The lineup was an impressive selection of the best new talent in latino comedy circuits, including Dennis Gaxiola as the opening act, followed by Paul Rodriguez himself, followed by the beautiful Astronaut / Psychologist turned comedian Shayla Rivera, then the dark, thick humor of veteran frontman Gene Pompa. The show closed with the explosive, irreverent act of Manny Maldonado, regarded as “the latin Chris Rock” by many.
The show was recorded live for DVD, produced by none other than David Valdes (whose impressive record includes production of movie landmarks such as The Green Mile) and Paul Rodriguez, and directed by the young and talented Gabriela Tagliavini.
Casa Noble hosted the event and provided ultra-premium tequila experience for the VIP guests and the stars at the Presidential Suite reception during both nights. Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico was given a gift of Casa Noble anejo.
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